Where Two Seas Meet
“Where two seas meet” is a 3-episode documentary produced to comprehend wholeness in duality and oneness in multiplicity. Twenty first century, on the one hand, is the time of chaos on the other hand; this century, when soil is watered with blood, is the time to consider again about reinquiring the answers found out by man regarding becoming human. In this recall break, it is crucial to trace the symbols humans have created for thousands of years and take the hints of the meanings attached to them. Because, the history of culture and belief is hidden behind the curtains of binary and it is covered by the patterns of the “whole and holism”.
Original Title | İki Denizin Birleştiği Yerde |
Genre | Culture |
Producer | İsmet Yazıcı |
Director | İsmet Yazıcı |
Year | 2014 |
Duration | 30 |
Episode | 3 |