The Secret
In The Secret, the 30 wise men of the East are narrated, who were fermented in the soil of the world, whose perceptions of existence and unity became a mirror to humanity, who were immortalized with their voices and with what they conveyed. These 30 names were given place, each of whom will be the mentor of all times with their philosophies, sciences, beliefs and perceptions:Muhyiddin İbn Arabi; Abdül Kadir Geylani; Hallac-ı Mansur; Niyazi Mısri; Kaygusuz Abdal; Pir Sultan Abdal; Hacı Bayram-ı Veli; Yunus Emre; Hacı Bektaş-ı Veli; Veysel Karani; Şeyh Bedreddin; Ahmed Yesevi; Haris b. Muhasibi; Mevlana; Seri-i Sakati; Zünun-ı Mısri; Şeyh Ebubekir Şibli; Hasan-ı Basri; Cüneyd-i Bağdadi; Beyazid-i Bistami; İbrahim Edhem; Ebu’l-Hasan Harakani; Davud-ı Tai; Yahya bin Muaz; Rabiatü’lAdeviyye; Hakim-i Tirmizi; Sehl Tüsteri; Bişr-i Hafi; Ferideddin-i Atar; Ziyaeddin Nahşebi. It is crucial to remember these 30 names and attributes who have guided the men of all times with their awakenings and notices. The documentary series, The Secret was created with this aim. The series with 30 episodes, in which each episode one individual was narrated, was prepared as 5 minutes of sections.
Original Title | Sır |
Producer | İsmet Yazıcı |
Director | İsmet Yazıcı |
Year | 2014 |
Duration | 7 |
Episode | 49 |